Massive Pushback Against Biden Plan To Bring Gaza Refugees Into US

News Image By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Israel 365 News May 07, 2024
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Recent media reports cited top officials in the Biden administration as saying they are considering granting refugees from Gaza permanent status in the US.

The claim was first reported in CBS News which claimed to have obtained  "internal federal government documents" showing "senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies who have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents."  

The Gazans would be brought into the US as part of the United States Refugee Admissions Program Ironically, the plan would require coordination with Egypt, which has so far refused to welcome refugees from Gaza. Upon arriving in the US,  the Gazans would be granted permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance, and a path to American citizenship.

Since the beginning of the conflict, the United States has helped more than 1,800 American citizens and their families leave Gaza, many of whom have come to the US.

The statement went on to say that the U.S. "categorically rejects any actions leading to the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza. The best path forward is to achieve a sustainable cease-fire through a hostage deal that will stabilize the situation and pave the way to a two-state solution."  

Over the past 10 years, the US has admitted over 400,000 refugees, according to data from the State Department. This includes 56 Palestinians in fiscal year 2023 before the Israel-Hamas war began and at least 16 between last October and March 31.

Gaza was created in 2005 when the Israeli government forcibly resettled over 10,000 Jewish residents of Gush Katif, leaving the region ethnically cleansed.

To qualify to enter the US as a refugee, applicants must prove they are fleeing persecution based on certain factors, such as nationality, religion, or political views. While some Palestinians could say they are fleeing repression by Hamas, others could qualify by claiming oppression by the government of Israel as a persecutor, according to US officials. This would be difficult as Israel is a US ally and Hamas is a designated terrorist organization.

The Gazans would be required to pass a security check. In 2007, Gazans voted in Hamas as the ruling power. A recent poll showed that 82%  of Palestinians in the West Bank and 57% in the Gaza Strip approve of the actions by Hamas' armed wing, including the October 7 attack on Israel and hostage taking.

A letter rejecting the potential proposal was led by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), the number three GOP leader, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and 33 colleagues. 

"With more than a third of Gazans supporting the Hamas militants, we are not confident that your administration can adequately vet this high-risk population for terrorist ties and sympathies before admitting them into the United States," the letter stated. "We are further worried that accepting Gazan refugees might cause a crisis at the Egypt-Gaza border, leading to chaos that would only empower Iran-backed Hamas. 

We are also frustrated that your administration is pushing ahead with a plan to evacuate Gazans from the Strip when there are still American citizens held hostage by Hamas. We demand that your administration cease planning for accepting Gazan refugees until you adequately answer our concerns and focus your attention instead on securing the release of U.S. hostages held by Hamas."

"We must ensure Gazans with terrorist ties or sympathies are denied admission into the United States," it continued. "No easy feat, given the fact that the Gazans were the ones who voted Hamas into power in 2006."

The Gazans would be required to pass a security check. In 2007, Gazans voted in Hamas as the ruling power. A recent poll showed that 82%  of Palestinians in the West Bank and 57% in the Gaza Strip approve of the actions by Hamas' armed wing, including the October 7 attack on Israel and hostage taking.

"Without thorough vetting, your administration may inadvertently accept terrorists posing as refugees into the interior. This is especially the case as Hamas terrorists have a long track record of co-mingling with civilian populations in Gaza."

The signees noted that "Border officials have arrested 169 people on the FBI terror watch lists in Fiscal Year 2023, a record-setting number that exceeds the total of the last six fiscal years combined. Apprehended terrorists include a Hezbollah fighter who intended 'to make a bomb' and was headed for New York."

The letter demanded to know the following:

How many refugees would be Gazans who have already fled to Egypt? 

How many refugees would be Gazans still located in the Gaza Strip?

How will the administration implement a screening mechanism to ensure that those with terrorist links or sympathies are not accepted as refugees into the United States?

Details on how the administration conduct these screenings when U.S. officials do not have an on-the-ground presence in the Gaza Strip.

How does the U.S. plan to pay for the cost of transport, screening, medical support, and temporary lodging of these Gazan refugees?

Given the widespread Hamas control over the Gaza Strip, as well as the dense fog of war due to the ongoing conflict, how will your administration implement a screening mechanism to ensure that those with terrorist links or sympathies are not accepted as refugees into the United States?

Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fl.) said in a statement Tuesday that he rejected the Biden administration's plan to "import" Palestinians from Gaza into the U.S. 

"The latest in Joe Biden's America Last agenda is an absurd scheme to bring into our country the people who cheered as Americans and Israelis were killed, beaten, raped, and taken hostage on October 7th," he said. "These are the same people who elected Hamas as their government. These are people who live next to Egypt, yet Egypt finds them too much of a national security risk to let into their country."

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) called the move "reckless."

"Hogwash. President Biden consistently undermines our national security with reckless decisions like this. We have no clue who is coming into our country, whether on our southern border or from war-torn regions run by terrorists," he tweeted.

"Not a single Hamas sympathizer should be let into this country, and I will use every resource at my disposal to ensure this radical Biden policy never sees the light of day."

"The open border isn't enough," the twitter account representing Senate Republicans wrote. "Now Biden wants to import people who supported the murder and rape of Israelis."

Originally published at Israel 365 News

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