5 Careers That Make Over $100,000 A Year

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It’s a lot easier to make you and your family’s dreams come true when you’re making good money.  If you really want to do your best to carve a successful path for your family’s future, you have to start investing in yourself now.  

Take the time to research which careers are more lucrative, and get the education needed to start taking home the dough.  Here is a brief look at a few careers that will pay you more than $100,000 a year and get you on the right track to financial success.  

Petroleum Engineer

When you work as a petroleum engineer, you are working in an integral part of the oil and gas industry.  Petroleum engineers find new ways to make the extraction of oil and natural gas from the earth safer for everyone involved.  

The average pay for a petroleum engineer in the United States is around $138,000 per year.  You can do a lot for your family with that level of income, but you’ll have to get an education first.  Most petroleum engineers have a bachelor’s degree in engineering.  

IT Manager 

Modern technology presents an ever-changing layout of what you can do, and IT (information technology) managers are the people who make it their business to understand how to navigate the many changes.  

You’ll have to go to college for this position as well.  IT managers usually have a bachelor’s degree in computer or information science.  The average salary of an IT manager sits around $146,000 per year.  

Financial Manager 

If you’re interested in matters of money, you could build a lucrative career as a financial manager.  Financial managers oversee the finances of businesses large and small.  You may also find yourself working in personal financial management.  

The average salary for a financial manager in the U.S. is around $130,000 annually.  You’ll need to find yourself holding a bachelor’s degree in finance to make the highest rate possible in the field. 

Sales Manager 

If you’re the kind of person who has a way with people, becoming a sales manager may be a good fit for you.  You can make plenty of money to support your family in the position of sales manager.  

The average income for a sales manager in the United States is $126,000 per year.  Of course, you’ll need to spend a few years in college first to earn a bachelor’s degree in business administration, statistics, or mathematics.  


The title of Actuary is just as important a job as it sounds.  As an actuary for a business, you would use statistics and financial theory to write up a breakdown of the company’s financial risk in various situations.  An actuary typically makes around $108,000 a year, and you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, or actuarial science. 

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